Exterior Cracks Worry Homeowner
This exterior crack was one of the first signs of settlement; homeowner Margery began to notice that the crack was becoming larger and larger in size, and she knew she had to call Cantey Foundation Specialists.
Digging for the Footers
Production Crew Members Mariano and Francisco are digging ten different holes along the perimeter of the home to reach the footer. Once the foundation footer is reached, they chisel away this footer and replace it with our galvanized bracket.
The Production Crew worked safely around this large air conditioning unit obstruction to make sure the home's corner was stabilized.
Corner of the Home
One corner of the home was settling more than the others, so it was important to install two push piers on each side to support the structure completely.
Exterior Brick Cracks
After lifting the house, it is apparent that the large exterior cracks have closed safely and efficiently. Now, a little bit of mortar will make it look like it had never settled!
Satisfied Customer
Dave G. and his mother Margery were so happy with the results that they proudly displayed our sign in their front yard.