Living room with concerning floor
Customer Vincent C.'s living room, which had the concerned spot in the slab where it leaked. Production Crew Foreman and PolyLEVEL Technician TJ Harden injected the polymer substance underneath the slab to ensure stabilization.
Crew arrives on scene
The arrival of the Cantey Foundation Specialists truck on a beautiful fall day.
Stabilized bedroom floor with PolyLEVEL
Unfortunately, the problem led into one of the bedrooms. Removing as little carpet as possible, Foreman TJ Harden stabilized this bedroom as well with the PolyLEVEL system.
PolyLEVEL Tools
The tools used for the PolyLEVEL system. An injection gun with the hose connected to the patented PolyLEVEL formula, a drill, and some other equipment.