Proudly Serving NC, SC & GA Including - Columbia, Greenville, Augusta, Charlotte and Charleston
Foundations and Rainfall:
On Average, South Carolina currently recieves 123.45 inches of rainfall each year.
As clay soil gets wet, it holds on to the water and becomes very soft. This soft soil can be weak, causing the home to sink down into it. Besides clay soil, concrete foundations are porous, so water fills in any pores it can find. Over time, the water can seep into the concrete foundation and ultimately break down the concrete.
The Active Zone refers to the soil beneath the ground surface that is most affected by changes in moisture as the season or climate changes. The active zone may vary from a few feet below grade to more than 30 feet below grade, depending on location.
This can cause cracks in exterior walls, chimney seperation, cracks and shifts in the door, and cracks within your foundation.
The good news is Cantey Can Fix It! We fix foundation settlement issues by installing steel foundation piers. These piers will extend beneath the foundation, contacting strong supporting soils that will permanently stabilize your structure.