Rotting Wood In Crawl Space
No, that is not spray foam on those beams. It's MOLD! The homeowners had no idea that this is what was living under their home. Mold will cause wood rot and compromise the foundation of your home.
Falling Crawl Space Insulation
This is a sight too common. This insulation is doing zero good for this home and it is evidence of how much of a different environment your crawl space is and what it takes to control it.
The Further We Went, The Worse It Got
More falling insulation, wood rot and mold under this home.
Wood Rot in Charleston, SC
How many people have a crawl space that looks this bad and don't even know it? Contact us today to schedule a free estimate to make sure that your crawl space does not look like this and have detrimental consequences to the foundation of your home.