Photo Album: Smart Jacks Stabilize Floor in Wadmalaw Island, SC
Susan M. is a homeowner in Wadmalaw Island, SC who has had foundation issues. Susan first noticed that her homes floors were beginning to sagging last summer and at the time thought nothing of it. As time went on however, she began to notice more and more of a drop in her floors. After hearing about Cantey Foundation Specialists on the radio she decided to give us a call. Richard Early came out to Susan's home for a free inspection. After the inspection, Richard explained to Susan that her wall was the issue and it was created a ripple effect across her floors. He then explained that Cantey's patented Smart Jack system was the solution she was looking for. Team Leader Israel, Team Member Jonathan, and Team Member Austin came out to Susan's home and installed the Smart Jacks. Susan was ecstatic that Cantey was able to help her with her problem. Now she can relax knowing that Cantey did the job the right way.
Smart Jack Smart
Smart Jacks are the premier solution for sagging floors and stabilization.