The Greenville Harvest Hope feeds 637 children weekly and distributes food to over 4,000 people.

Monthly Statistics
In November 2016, Harvest Hope of Greenville served over 4,219 families.

Trey Smedley Inspecting
Production Quality Assurance Specialist Trey Smedley inspects canned food for expiration dates.

Pallets of Donations
Pallets of donated food and non-edibles were put in this general area, where every single can or box was inspected for quality.

Organized into Categories
All the individual cans were then organized and boxed in their designated categories.

Group Picture
From left to right: Specialist Jerod Tafta, Specialist Katherine Dillon, Specialist Brian West, Specialist Mark Richey, Specialist Nathan Bailey, Production Quality Assurance Specialist Trey Smedley, and Marketing Specialist Portia Mellott.