The Lourie Center of Columbia 2015 Fall Festival
On October 2, 2015, Cantey Foundation Specialist set up a table to meet, greet, and inform senior citizens and family about our company at the 2015 Fall Festival. We had a lot of fun talking and giving solutions to their foundation problems. We received this letter from the Lourie Center:
Dear Kimberly (and Cantey Foundation Specialists,)
It's over a month since the Fall Festival and I'm still a little behind schedule. What a wild month it's been! Our thoughts and prayers are still with the many communities in South Carolina who suffered devastating effects of the rains and floods directly following October 2.
On behalf of the Lourie Center, I thank you for participating in our 2015 Fall Festival on October 2. Your commitment and enthusiasm helped make this event the BEST ONE YET for our guests and the Lourie Center. We had 47 wonderful senior service providers represented, expanded health screenings, fantastic food and entertainment. Approximately 300 guest from the community came out to the enjoy the festival (despite the dire weather forecast).
The Lourie Center's mission is to help seniors stay physically fit, socially engaged, intellectually stimulated, and independent. The Fall Festival is an important event to promote this mission, so many thank to you and Cantey Foundation Specialists! We appreciate your support and look forward to working with you in the future. Thanks for joining us again!
Very Sincerely,
Stephanie Benjamin
Director of Programs and Marketing
Thank you Lourie Center for allowing us to partake in your Fall Festival. We had a great time, and we hope to see you again next year!