Photo Album: Push Pier Saves Garage in Charleston, SC
Walter Z. is a homeowner in Charleston, SC, and his favorite place in his house is the garage. It is where he unwinds after a long day at work with a woodworking project or fixing various items. When his garage began to crack, he decided he would attempt to fix it himself. His plan worked for a while but eventually, the crack came back and worse than before. Walter decided he needed a professional opinion to determine some sort of solution that would last. He searched on the internet to find the right company, and once he saw Cantey Foundation Specialists, he gave them a call. System Design Specialist Kendall Moore came out for Walter's free inspection and estimate. During his inspection, Kendall made the discovery that Walter's problem was not just the crack, but his foundation as well. He suggested that Walter have Push Piers installed to his home to lift the garage and stabilize the foundation. The Push Piers would be inserted into the ground on the side of the home to a depth where it would reach competent soil that could support the home. Production Team Leader Sixto Lopez, Production Team Member Jose Lopez, and Production Team Member Estevan Lopez came out and installed the Push Piers that successfully lifted the garage. Walter is thankful to Cantey for saving his garage and giving him peace of mind that this is a lasting solution.
Crack Causing Worry
The initial crack that Walter called about.
Let's Get Lifting
This side of the garage was starting to sink due to poor foundation, the Push Piers will be installed deep enough to find competent soil for a solid foundation.
Sixto and His Crew Begin to Lift
The crew has put the Push Piers in the ground and are beginning to lift the side of the garage.
Push Piers Done Right
This Push Pier has been installed and will soon be filled back in.
No More Worries for This Garage
The crack has been filled and the foundation has been lifted to create another happy customer.